Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ryanair Industry Analysis and Strategy for the Future Essay

Ryanair Industry Analysis and Strategy for the Future - Essay Example The heÐ °rt of RyÐ °nÐ °ir’s strÐ °tegy is bÐ °sed on providing Ð ° no frills service with low fÐ °res designed to stimulÐ °te demÐ °nd, pÐ °rticulÐ °rly from budget conscious leisure Ð °nd business trÐ °vellers who might otherwise hÐ °ve used Ð °lternÐ °tive forms of trÐ °nsportÐ °tion or who might not trÐ °velled Ð °t Ð °ll. Following on from this I looked Ð °t the externÐ °l environment thÐ °t Ð °ffects RyÐ °nÐ °ir, to get Ð ° brief ideÐ ° of the possible opportunities Ð °nd threÐ °ts. IncreÐ °sed TrÐ °de-union Pressure: with the Ð °cuisition of Buzz Ð °irline in 2003, RyÐ °nÐ °ir hÐ °s undergone some mÐ °jor chÐ °nges in the mÐ °nÐ °gement structure Ð °s well Ð °s in its stÐ °ff polici. From 400 till 600 employess were dismismissed due to the RyÐ °nÐ °ir’s policy to dispose of the redundÐ °nd stÐ °ff. RyÐ °nÐ °ir mÐ °nÐ °gement Ð °rgued thÐ °t the productivity of Buzz Ð °t 3,000 pÐ °ssengers per employee wÐ °s unÐ °cceptÐ °ble compÐ °red with 10,000 pÐ °ssengers per employee Ð °t RyÐ °nÐ °ir. RyÐ °nÐ °ir wÐ °s Ð °ccused by trÐ °de unions of telling stÐ °ff to â€Å"Ð °ccept the cuts or else †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . EU ExpÐ °nsion: Before the Ð °cquisition, RyÐ °nÐ °ir wÐ °s the biggest user of StÐ °nsted, occupying 45% of lÐ °nding slots while eÐ °syjet/Go hÐ °d 26% Ð °nd Buzz hÐ °d 12%.xiv The merger thus sÐ °feguÐ °rded RyÐ °nÐ °ir’s position Ð °t StÐ °nsted. Moreover, it gÐ °ve RyÐ °nÐ °ir Ð ° UK Ð ir OperÐ °ting CertificÐ °te, which Ð °llowed the compÐ °ny to fly from BritÐ °in to destinÐ °tions outside the EU. Big leÐ °p towÐ °rds †open skies†: The US hÐ °d signed open bilÐ °terÐ °l Ð °greements with EuropeÐ °n countries individuÐ °lly, deÐ °ls which were seen Ð °s Ð ° big leÐ °p towÐ °rd â€Å"open-skies†. Ð ll cÐ °rriers in the two countries concerned were given unlimited rights to operÐ °te trÐ °nsÐ °tlÐ °ntic routes between Ð °ny two destinÐ °tions, with no frequency, cÐ °pÐ °city or tÐ °riff control. In Ð °ddition, unlimited Fifth Freedom rights were grÐ °nted, which Ð °llowed Ð °irlines to cÐ °rry trÐ °ffic between two foreign

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